Elevate Plays In Progress


What is Plays in Progress?  A developmental reading for emerging playwrights’ new work on public health topics. 

Why create Plays in Progress?  Elevate supports new and emerging playwrights in developing their work by providing a space for them to hear their new play read aloud by professional actors and receive feedback from the audience. We believe this is an important part of the theater making process and want to encourage playwrights to be bold, take risks, and return to the writing lab with new ideas and insights.  

What is the program structure?  Professional actors will perform a reading of the new play in front of a small, invited audience. The reading will take place on zoom without props or costumes. After the reading, the audience members will have an opportunity to share their thoughts, comments, and questions with the playwright.

September 28th, 5pm PST | 8pm EST

Elevate will host an evening with professional actors reading a new play, LINE TO HOPE by Courtney Hartman, over zoom. This piece is in the early stages of development and we'd like to invite you to join us to listen to the new play and be in dialogue with the playwright sharing your thoughts and questions. 

Our Newest Playwright

LINE TO HOPE by Courtney Hartman


Through an unlikely connection, Jim, a troubled man, contemplating violence, encounters Jane, someone looking to help. Exploring racism, xenophobia and the impacts of gun violence, LINE TO HOPE by Courtney Hartman is a powerful and thought provoking exploration into the complexities of mental health, societal pressures, and genuine human connection.

Join us!

Zoom link provided when you rsvp to: info@elevatetheatrecompany.com